Don't like Monday??(The Reason Why You Feel Bored At Work)

It’s Monday again.

The annoying alarm breaks the piece of silence you are enjoying. You keep pressing snooze and don’t want to leave your bed. As the hour hand points to 8, every muscle in your body feels sore.

You arrive at your office and turn on the computer at your seat. Everything seems so normal, except your mind wanders…

If this sounds familiar to you, chances are you feel bored at work, and you are probably here to look for ways to get rid of this dreadful situation.

In this article, I’ll look into what boredom reveals the potential problems you have at work:

A mismatch between your interest and your work
It’s very common that our work doesn’t match our interest, but we might not realize it sometimes. It’s good for you to think about why you applied for this job in the first place:
Because the salary was attractive? Or you had no other options but this job interview? Or you just wanted a new environment?
If these are your major concerns, you need to reconsider your interests in this job.

Not using your capabilities fully
Everyone has their strengths and talents. When your capabilities are not fully utilized at your job, you may find the assigned tasks not challenging at all.
Worse still, you may start to question your value to your company and gradually lose motivation at work.

Little opportunity for growth and learning
Imagine you do the same tasks for two weeks, or two months, or two years, over and over. How would you feel? I’m sure you’ll be bored to death.
If your company doesn’t provide enough opportunities to grow and learn, and you can’t see any improvement, you will start to get disappointed and probably feel bored at your job.

Too much idle time
It’s important to take breaks at work. But when you are too free, it is a problem.
When you have too much idle time, your mind wanders off to somewhere else:
Thinking about where to eat, your relationship problems, or what your neighbor said this morning.
Although your mind is occupied, these thoughts are generated because you are bored.

You feel exhausted and tired
You have so many goals to achieve in life or things to manage beyond work. 
It’s easy to shift your attention and energy away from your work because you are too occupied with other parts of your life.
While you pay less effort at work, the less motivated and interested you are in your job, which in turn bores you even more.

No clear goal
People who have stayed in a position for a long time easily feel lost.
You start to get confused with what you want to obtain from the job. You get used to your repeating daily routine and gradually lose your passion and interests in your job.

If you're dealing with all this, Get the help of whom you can trust & talk.

Thanks For Reading !!!!

Don't like Monday??(The Reason Why You Feel Bored At Work) Don't like Monday??(The Reason Why You Feel Bored At Work) Reviewed by Suyog Zete on July 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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