Cut 5 Words to Sound SMART !!! Instantly


      If you don't know how to communicate, even great ideas will not work for you. At work, It starts with conveying confidence.
Whether it is true or not, the way you speaks leads most of the people to make assumption about your knowledge, your education,your background & who you are.
This is due to, Many people add "filler" words that clutter up their whole conversation sound them less competent than they really are.  

Wondering how to sound smart at work? If you want to sound MORE INTELLIGENT in daily routine ensure your every word has it's meaning & Try to limit it's use.

"Really" is an less descriptive and doesn't add anything important in your conversation.It is that "penny word" most of the writer add to magnify other words; however fails in that role. 

For example- "The player performed really good" sounds perfect,doesn't it? you lose nothing by cutting the word "really,gaining simplicity & function.


Use of word "Maybe" too often, You present yourself insecure or uninformed.When you use this word that transmits lack of confidence on what you're saying more than it's meaning.
If you don't know the answer simply say, I will check it by my source. Saying "Maybe" is confusing to both (You & Listener).


If you use "Honestly" to emphasize certain part of your sayings,people may wonder back in their mind if you weren't honest in the rest of your conversation. So maintain the trust at all cost !!!


People often use word "Literally" to exaggerate meaning. "Literally" means precisely or exactly, Doesn't mean "truly" Or "greatly" 
Most of the people use this word to emphasis while not being exactly true. 


When we use word "Just" it minimizes the power of statement and can make you seem defensive.
It can often be a defense mechanism to shield ourselves from the rejection of hearing "no" or way of feeling discomfort like we're asking for too much.

The good news is you can rewire conditioned language habits to both sound & feel more confident. It's not about adapting an aggressive style,it's about tapping your inner courage & channeling it for more effective,confident communication.

Also read 5 Phrases for confident communication.

Cut 5 Words to Sound SMART !!! Instantly Cut 5 Words to Sound SMART !!! Instantly Reviewed by Suyog Zete on July 11, 2018 Rating: 5

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I've started blog to tell people what I learned,to improve my productivity by habits that has been used by many successful people from different fields.
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